Duncan Farrar

Managing Director

Having worked at a life insurance house, I joined HBoS and became a financial adviser in 2005. I then went on to join RBS in 2008 specialising in providing financial advice to the banks business and commercial clients.

With the changes coming (as a result of the retail distribution review, RDR) I took redundancy in 2012. I founded Farrar + Thompson in January 2013, providing independent financial planning to both individuals and companies.

In 2015 I went on to launch Populo, an advised and online auto enrolment solution for small companies.

In 2019 I joined Parsonage where I continue to work with both individuals and companies.

Please forgive the picture, I can’t open my eyes and smile at the same time!

Ideal out of office?

Skiing with my family, watching my two daughters learn to ski is a joyful experience I feel extremely lucky to have.

What’s in your mug?

Black coffee and plenty of it, and a glass of wine or a dram of an evening.

You can view Duncan’s Statement of Professional Standing by clicking here.

Duncan’s email: duncan.farrar@parsonagefinancial.co.uk

Duncan’s LinkedIn Profile