How we look after your money
We review our investment strategy quarterly by our investment committee.
We use our custodian principles to maintain four Growth portfolios for investors who are building up your wealth and one Income portfolio if you need an income from your investment.
The portfolios are diversified across shares, bonds, around the globe, across different investment objectives and divided between low-cost tracker funds and some actively-managed funds. We believe in putting as few layers as possible between your money and stockmarket returns. We use simple, tried-and-tested methods of reducing risk and we take time to explain to you how it all works.
Ask us for a copy of our investment principles and committee meeting minutes.
Click here to complete the Parsonage Risk Profile Questionnaire
Investment Review
We will review and monitor your investments, and we can take over managing your portfolio if you have lost contact with your previous adviser.
Our clients welcome our investment review service because they see that it is essential to look after their investments and portfolios so they work effectively.
You can expect our investment review service to include:
Checking your objectives and your timescale. Have your plans changed? A portfolio can only be as good as its relevance to your investment needs.
Checking how your risk profile has changed – For example, do you want to take more risk? Less risk? More income? Do you need to schedule any withdrawals soon?
Monitoring the fund-performance of each fund within your portfolio over the period since we last undertook a review
Comparing that performance with each fund’s peers
Evaluating the performance of the whole portfolio
Recommending adjustments to reflect your changing objectives, and implementing those investment adjustments for you
Contact us today on 0161 928 2706, or fill in the form on the Contact Us page and we will call you back.